Application for tourism road signage
Signage plays a significant role in a visitor/ tourist’s experience. Any signs erected on/ alongside the road need to be approved by the Regional Tourism Liaison Committee (RTLC).
Tourism signs have white symbols and lettering, which are used on a brown background. The sign will be erected from the nearest numbered route, with successive signs to the facility. In urban areas, where there is a congestion of facilities, it may not be possible to display individual attractions by name, in which case generic signs may be used.
It is important to remember that the purpose of tourism road signage is not only to promote businesses but is designed to direct and guide visitors to tourist facilities while on self-driven excursions.
Who can apply?
Product owners of registered tourism facilities and/or attractions may apply for tourism signs.
For more information about the application procedure, kindly contact the Tourism office.
Telephone: 028 214 3310
1. Application Form – Tourism Road Signs
3. Conditions for Tourism Signs on Provincial Roads
4. Tracking Form SANRAL- Tourism Signs Application Form
Warrant Criteria – Caravan or Camp Sites
Warrant Criteria – Refreshment Symbol