

The contract to upgrade the existing water pipeline that supplies the communities of Tesselaarsdal and Bethoeskloof was awarded to Umzali Civils in April 2023. Due to budget constraints the project is being implemented in phases. The original scope of phase 1 provided for 3700m of pipeline to be upgraded, however, savings achieved during construction allowed for the expansion of the contract. This expansion enabled the contractor to lay an additional 432m of pipeline with the available budget. By expanding the contract, the Municipality has optimized the impact on service delivery by increasing access to potable water in the communities of Tesselaarsdal and Bethoeskloof.

The project was also used to empower a local contractor to whom 1000m of the pipeline was subcontracted. This local contractor has gained valuable experience under the mentorship of Umzali Civils and this experience can aid in their CIDB upgrading and future endeavours.

The project alleviated the plight of the unemployed by creating 10 temporary job opportunities from the community for the duration of construction. The project also contributed to the local economy by making use of local suppliers and businesses for the purchasing of materials and supplies, as well as accommodation. The total contract expenditure on local businesses, suppliers and labour amounted to R 757 541.
